Met With Alien Ambassadors This is What They Said About Humanities Future


Met With Alien Ambassadors This is What They Said About Humanities Future

Sacha Stone has been kind enough to come back for the second time, and oh boy do we have a out of body experience for you in this part above and the next one to follow. Listen close with your inner self because if you try to listen with your ears it will go over your head. Forever thankful to all those joining us on this great journey of brining Godly force of love back to our reality and to our great warrior always true to his being @SachaStone !

Former rock musician and artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe
throughout the war for independence. As an outspoken advocate of human rights and
natural justice he has instigated peace initiatives and education programs, lobbied
against human-rights abuses around the globe and prosecutes for the protection of
vanguard innovators, scientists and doctors.
Sacha founded the New Earth Project an evolving blueprint for sustainable, sovereign
and self-determining communities, headquartered out of the world renowned (Akasha)
NewEarth Haven in Bali. He is currently developing an international NewEarth

University campus and Centre for scientific Research & Development, alongside a
NewEarth residential sanctuary on the shores of Bacalar Laguna in Mexico.
Sacha is founder of the ITNJ International Tribunal for Natural Justice, which launched
under international observership in June 2015 via a ceremonial seating and ratification
ceremony at Westminster Central Hall in London on the 800th anniversary of the
signing of Magna Carta. The court is committed to the dispensation of natural justice. It
launched the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse
at Westminster Central Hall in London in Spring 2018. The Commission continues to
hear witness testimonies from survivors and expert witnesses from around the globe via
on-line virtual court seatings. A Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the
Biosphere launched in 2019 and in 2020 the court launched an inquiry into Corona/
Covid (still underway as of Q4/2020):

Sacha is a former UN-IGO Director General (renewable energy & innovative
technology) and was executive producer of the MDG Awards at the UN General
Assembly in New York. He is a harsh critic of the United Nations as a globalist
apparatus which no longer serves a sovereign humanity much less their cultures and

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