Cosmic Consciousness seminar The End of Time Dec 21st 2020 Uluru


Cosmic Consciousness seminar The End of Time Dec 21st 2020 Uluru

Sacha Stone’s key-note presentation for the 2020 Uluru Conference ’The End of Time’ on the most seminal dateline in our history: 21st December 2020.

This is the moment at which the true Age of Aquarius anchors with our planet, auguring a flashpoint for the mythical Rainbow Serpent to emerge and begin the great redemption.
Sacha’s discussion will focus on the singular need for humankind to ‘step out of time’ in order to release ourselves from bad-dreaming (the DreamSpell) which has wrought every evil since the beginning of ’time’. This axiomatic date in our lives must serve as the event-horizon to disidentify with the fiction of our lives, personified by time, money and fear (religion and government) and replace the ‘DreamSpell’ with our greatest gift: the capacity to transmute and transcends all horror of the world into patterns of perfection. By dreaming wisely. Arise Homo Sapiens!

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